How do you deliver the watch to our service?
You can order a free service estimate for your watch by filling out the form below. We will send you instructions for sending the watch. If you do not hear from us, please check your spam that our instructions have not gone there or contact us again for shipping instructions.
You can send the watch to us either by mail or by courier. We will send instructions for delivering the watch by e-mail. You can also bring your watch to us in either our Helsinki or Hyvinkää office so we can give a preliminary assessment while you wait.
We will provide a service estimate by email as soon as we receive the watch and we can also be contacted for service-related details by phone. You can either accept or reject the maintenance estimate. If you do not accept the maintenance work, we will return your watch and charge only the postage. After approving the maintenance work, we will order any necessary spare parts and service the watch. You can follow the progress of the service from our customer portal and when the service is completed, we will send you an invoice, after which we will send your watch back. If you wish, you can also pick up your watch and pay for maintenance work on site.
Price list for customer returns (insured):
Letter shipment 5 EUR (under 500 EUR valued products)
Parcel with tracking 15 EUR (over 500 EUR valued products)
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